Ty Cramer

Medicare Planning Specialist

Ty has been in the Financial Services/Insurance space for over 16 years, with the majority of that time spent in the Medicare arena. He has helped multiple agencies set up and operate their Medicare divisions. He has the distinction of being “the go to guy” for many Medicare professionals and clients.

Ty’s clients come away from conversations with him feeling relieved, knowing the steps they need to take or not take for their specific situation. This comes from Ty’s background in manufacturing and in teaching. In both cases, when issues arose, the first thing that needed to be done was to listen deeply to the other person. That’s why you will often hear Ty say, “Tell me your story, what’s going on?”

With a BA from Mount Vernon Nazarene University (Biology/Chemistry) and two Master’s degrees from Wheaton College (Intercultural Studies/TESL), Ty spent years abroad in China and Southeast Asia teaching science and technology students at some of the best universities in the area.

He lives in Urbana, OH with his wife and son. He is active in his church, teaching and leading groups. He enjoys rehabbing properties, cooking, and music.